Active Learning Strategies for Teaching about Religion


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Rhymes and Raps


Religion: any and all

Purpose: to teach and reinforce familiarity with specific course content

Cognitive Skills: knowledge

Learning Styles: verbal, active

Intelligences: linguistic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic (if instruments or movements accompany songs)

Use: as homework or in class

For: individuals, pairs, small groups to make up songs; individuals at home or whole class to sing songs

Estimated time: 5 minutes to sing, time will vary for creating songs

Materials needed: paper, pen, possibly musical instruments (as desired)


The Activity:

  • Students who are musically inclined can be tasked with writing  a song or rap as a memory tool designed to recall and reinforce terms related to a specific aspect of one or another religion

examples: Jewish holidays, Hindu deities, Christian sacraments, Buddhist 8-fold path, five pillars of Islam, etc...

  • The songs should use simple, familiar tunes (e.g. row, row, row your boat)

  • Verses of a song can trace historical progression (e.g., events in the life of Jesus or Buddha, key events in the history of Judaism or development of the Christian church)

  • Students who create the songs can teach them to classmates in class where they will sing it a few times. To help other students recall the songs, the words should be written and the tune indicated.

  • Students can sing the songs anytime, anyplace by themselves as a mnemonic device in preparation for an exam or quiz.


Alternative possibilities: any topic that is term heavy can use a a song, rhyme or rap to reinforce familiarity with terms. History can be broken down into periods for incorporation into a song as a memory aid.

Created by: Laura Ellen Shulman

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Page updated: May 28, 2004