Active Learning Strategies for Teaching about Religion


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Intelligences index

Activities Listed by Intelligence
(Howard Gardner)

The Intelligences*: (click on intelligence to go directly to related activities)

  • Visual-Spatial learners are good with physical space; comfortable with models, graphics, charts, drawings.

  • Bodily-Kinesthetic learners have a keen sense of body awareness, learn well through physical activity and role playing.

  • Musical learners are sensitive to rhythm and sound.

  • Intrapersonal learners understand themselves well but may shy away from others, good with independent study and introspection.

  • Interpersonal learners relate well to others; notice moods, motivations, feelings; prefer cooperative learning and teamwork.

  • Linguistic learners are good with words, like reading, playing word-games, making up poetry and stories.

  • Logical-Mathematical learners think conceptually and abstractly, are able to see and explore patterns and relationships.

  • Naturalistic learners understand their environment, interested in ecological balance, work well in and with natural surroundings.

Students' intelligences can be assessed using this on-line assessment instrument*

* Resources:
Connick, George P.; (1999); The Distance Learner's Guide (Prentice hall); p. 117
Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education by Leslie Shelton, et. al. (presented by Literacyworks)

Created by: Laura Ellen Shulman

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Page updated: December 27, 2004