Active Learning Strategies for Teaching about Religion


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Pilgrimage to Mecca
A Group Activity

Religion: Islam

Purpose: to envision and reinforce knowledge, through art work, the various activities Muslims pursue during the hajj

Cognitive Skills: knowledge, comprehension, analysis

Learning Styles: active, sensing, visual, sequential

Intelligences: visual-spatial, interpersonal

Use: in classroom

For: individuals, pairs or small groups (depending on how large the class is)

Estimated time: 10 - 15 minutes (not including introductory presentation by teacher)

Materials needed: art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers, crayons); tape, magnets, tacks, or stapler (to display drawings when done); handout (optional)

Note: teacher can play Middle-Eastern music in background while students work (to appeal to the musical intelligence)


The Activity: 

  • Teacher reviews the various activities Muslims participate during the hajj (lecture and/or video, discuss reading, etc.). Teacher might want to provide an outline of the stages of the pilgrimage ritual for students to reference while they work.

  • Divide the class into pairs or groups  - however many the teacher determines will relate to different activities pursued during the hajj that the teacher wants students to focus on (and based on number of students in the class). Distribute art materials (or have students bring in their own).

  • Assign each group to concentrate on a different pilgrimage activity. Have students spend up to10 minutes drawing their interpretation of what the activity might look like in practice.

  • When enough time has passed, have students display their work for others to view. Have students review the drawings and cooperate in putting them in order, based on what they have learned about the sequence of hajj activities.

  • Closure/debrief: Teacher can review the results and discuss and correct any errors in sequencing students may have made. If possible, staple the drawings in order to a corkboard or the wall so they will be seen for several weeks.


Web Resources: 

  • Explore the hajj ritual in detail at Contains lots of multimedia resources that can be used by the teacher for preparation in presenting lecture or handout or actually used in the classroom for presentations to students.

  • Links to other sites on this topic at


Alternative possibilities: any multifaceted sequential topic can be divided amongst groups of students to draw the stages and then place them in order. Historical events, scientific processes, the sequence of events in a story read in a literature class...

Created by: Laura Ellen Shulman

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Page updated: May 26, 2004