Active Learning Strategies for Teaching about Religion


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Right and Wrong Livelihood
A collage Activity

Religion: Buddhism

Purpose: to reinforce and test understanding regarding this one aspect of the 8-fold path

Cognitive Skills: comprehension, application, analysis

Learning Styles: visual, sensing

Intelligences: visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic

Use: in classroom, as homework

For: individuals, pairs, small groups

Estimated time: 15 - 30 minutes (though reflective and global thinkers might want to take more time as they think about and stumble across images as they go about their daily life)

Materials needed: paper or poster board, glue, scissors, old magazines, junk mail ads, clip art and other sources for images, marker(s) to label posters.

Note: can be done in front of the TV, or listening to music


The Activity:

  • Begin with a piece of paper (9X12 construction or craft paper should suffice).

  • Divide the paper in half so it looks like this:

 Right Livelihood






Wrong Livelihood

  • Locate images of people people pursuing "right" and "wrong" livelihood according to Buddhist values (several examples of each). (refer to your reading or lecture notes, if needed)

  • Paste "right" livelihood images on one half of the paper and "wrong" livelihood images onto the other half.

  • Label each image as well as each side of the paper accordingly (example: "butcher" on the "wrong livelihood" side)


Alternative possibilities: any topic which lends itself to contrasting opposites

Created by: Laura Ellen Shulman

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Page updated: May 26, 2004