Note Taking


Students who are fairly well organized are better students.

Here are some tips for being organized with your note taking to make it more effective:

Use a ring binder or pocketed folder and three-holed lined paper. Date all the pages and give the topic or name of the lecture or class presentation at the top of the page


Topic                                                       date






main ideas












  1. Use one half of your sheet for notes Divide the bottom half into two columns, one for jotting down main ideas after the class and the other column for questions
  2. Review your notes within 6-12 hours after the class session. Summarize on the back of the page what you learned in the class. List the main ideas and questions you have on the front of the page. See what points need clarification.
  3. Exchange notes with another student in the class to check that you got all the important points.

  4. When you return to class, ask questions about the matters you don't understand

  5. When you get class handouts, date them and indicate the topic or class presentation. Put them in order in your binder/folder.

Created by Laura Ellen Shulman 


Last updated: July 10, 2005