Study Questions
Randall Balmer
"Religion in Twentieth-Century America"
Religion in American Life: A Short History
Chapter 18: Into a New Century
- Pentecostalism
- The World's Parliament of Religions
- Native Americans
- Anti-Semitism
- Dispensationalism (conservative evangelicals)
vs. the Social Gospel (liberal Protestants)
Chapter 19: Between the Wars
- liberal (modernist) vs. conservative
(fundamentalist) divisions in Protestantism
- The Scopes trial
- Catholics
- Jews
- The KKK
- African Americans
- Marcus Garvey
- Timothy Drew
- Father Divine
- Religion responds to the Great Depression
- Neo-Orthodoxy
Chapter 20: The 1950s
- Protestants rethink missionary work
- The "Judeo-Christian Tradition"
- The American Catholics
- Evangelicals
- African Americans at mid-century
- The national Council of Churches
Chapter 21: The 1960s
- Catholics:
- John F. Kennedy - the significance of a
Catholic President
- American Catholics and Vatican II changes
- Charismatic Renewal
- Humanae Vitae
- Hate: Civil rights movement and Anti Semitism
- African Americans
- Civil rights movement and Martin Luther
King Jr.
- Nation of Islam
- Elijah Muhammad
- Malcolm X
- Conclusion
Chapter 22: The 1970s
- Americans turn to Eastern religions
- The "Jesus Movement"
- The women's movement and religion
- The Carter presidency and evangelicalism
- the "Religious Right"
- A new Pope (John Paul II)
Chapter 23: The 1980s
- The Jonestown tragedy
- Televangelism
- Pat Robertson
- The Bakers (Jim and Tammy Faye)
- Jimmy Swaggart
- "Prosperity Theology" vs. the new
social gospel
- Pat Robertson and the "Christian
Chapter 24:
- Immigrant religions from the East
- "New Age" spirituality
- Confrontations between government and religion
- with Native Americans
- "Hate groups"
- David Koresh and the Branch Davidians
- The Continuing struggle of Black churches
- The "Promise Keepers" and
"Muscular Christianity"
- Millennial fever and religion