The Word of God or Man?

    Some people believe that the Bible is 100% literally true, 100% the "word of God". But is this belief true? All one has to do is examine the Bible directly to see that not every word in it is the word of God. The Bible is as much (if not more so) the words of men as it is the word of God, expressing what ancient people believed, how they felt about God and how they responded to God:

A question of content and intent:

What is the Bible and how did it get to be the way it is?

The issue of history of the Bible: Canonization:

The issue of language and translation: A final word:

    Many people who believe the Bible is the Word of God do so because that is what they were taught by others (parents, ministers, Sunday school teachers) to believe and they have never questioned it for themselves, have only accepted it as an assumption. If scripture is the "Word of God" it is the word of men who tell us this. Better to judge the Bible (or any book) by its content, for yourself, rather than taking someone else’s word for it. If you say "the Bible says it is the word of God," beware: ask yourself: who wrote those words you are reading? God or men? And what arguments can you offer to support your belief that it is the word of God? Just answer one simple question: why do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

                                                                                                                    - LES 1999

Religion 100 handouts