Precalculus I
MTH 161-004N
Annandale Campus
Northern Virginia Community College
Dr. Don Goral
If you wish to print the syllabus, select the material in the
table below, copy it to Word, and then print it.
Course Syllabus: MTH 161-004N, spring 2025 (3
TELEPHONE: (703) 323-3888
Precalculus, Stitz & Zeager, 2013
free PDF download
A graphing calculator
is required. TI-84 recommended.
open office hours (no appointment)
Tuesday, Thursday: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm,
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 10:30 am -12:30 pm
Tuesday, 01/21/25 - first day of class
Thursday, 02/06/25 - Last day to drop a class with a
tuition refund or change to audit (census date)
Thursday, 02/06/25 - last day to change from credit to
Thursday, 02/06/25 - students who have not attended any
class will be withdrawn
Thursday, 02/13/25 - Exam 1 - topics to be announced
Thursday, 03/13/25 - Exam 2 - topics to be announced
Monday, 03/17/25 - Sunday, 03/23/25 - spring break
Friday, 03/28/25 - last day to withdraw without grade
Thursday, 05/01/25 - last day of class before final exam
Thursday, 05/08/25 - 8:00 am - 9:40 am - final exam
Course Content Summary: including course prerequisites, course objectives, and topics to be included.
A complete list of assigned homework exercises can be found on the Homework page of this website.
Tests and Grades
Quizzes - 20%
Exam 1 - 20%
Exam 2 - 20%
Comprehensive Final Exam - 40%
There will be no make up exams. There will be both announced
and unannounced quizzes, both in class and take home. There
will be no make-up quizzes and late work will not be
accepted. Each quiz will receive a check for being turned
in, as long as there is evidence of substantial effort. If a
quiz is outstanding it will receive a check plus. If a quiz
shows significant confusion or many errors, it will receive
a check minus. The quiz grade will be the percentage of
quizzes turned in. Periodically, there will be a bonus quiz,
which can be substituted for a missing quiz; missing a bonus
quiz will not diminish your total quiz grade. Homework will
be assigned, but will not be collected. However, homework
problems will form the major source of quiz problems and
will be a guide to the exams. If your final exam score is
higher than the lower of your exam 1 and exam 2 scores, then
it will be substituted for the low score. If your final
course grade is on the border between two grades, then your
performance on quizzes, your participation in class, and
your improvement during the course will be considered; that
is, a demonstration of consistent progress and general
understanding of mathematical ideas may raise your grade.
The grading scale for the total quiz grade, midterm exam 1,
midterm exam 2, final exam, and course grade will be:
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59
If you wish to receive a "W", you must notify your professor
or the registrar by the withdrawal date; no reason is
necessary. After that date, in order to receive a "W", you
must have a good reason, which is documented. If you begin
the class and you stop attending class without notifying the
registrar or your professor, you will receive an "F".
NOVA Policies and Procedures
Students are responsible for knowing and following
College policies, and they should be aware of the College resources available to them. The
following are highlights of information that students should
be aware of as they begin a course.
Accommodations and
Accessibility Services
Financial Stability
and Advocacy Centers
Forms to Request
Services and Assistance
and Accessibility Services: Request for Alternate Format
Enrollment Services: Course Repeat
Enrollment Services: Enrollment
with Permission
Financial Aid: Satisfactory
Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form
Parking Services: Vehicle
Registration Form
Enrollment Request Form (VERF)
Office of Wellness
and Mental Health
Verification Statement
Remote Student
Support Services
Student Rights and
NOVA promotes and
emphasizes the importance of honesty in academic work. It is
therefore imperative for students to maintain the highest
standard of honor in their scholastic work.
Academic dishonesty, as
outlined in more detail in the Academic Integrity Policy (Policy
Number: 224),
can include, but is not limited to cheating on an exam or
quiz, submitting work that is not your own (plagiarism), or
sharing assessments online. Consequences of academic
dishonesty can include a failing grade on an assignment, a
failing grade in the course, and may include additional
administrative sanctions such as suspension or expulsion from
the college. Procedures for disciplinary measures and appeals
are outlined in the Academic Integrity Procedures. It is a student’s responsibility to become familiar
with the student code of conduct. Lack of awareness is no
excuse for noncompliance with NOVA’s policies and procedures.
NOVA faculty may choose
to use tools such as Turnitin to detect and flag instances of
plagiarism in academic writing.
The use of AI to
complete assigned work may be considered a violation of the
academic integrity policy. Students are urged to be cautious
when using any web tools designed to assist with assignments
without their instructors’ explicit permission to do so and to
cite their sources in all their work.
NOVA is committed to
ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college
education regardless of the presence or absence of a
disability. No academically qualified student with a
disability will be denied access to or participation in the
services, programs, and activities of the College. Your access
to and inclusion in this course is important to NOVA and your
professors. Please request your accommodation letter
(Memorandum of Accommodations) early in the semester or as
soon as you become registered so that you have adequate time
to arrange your approved academic accommodations with your
professors. Returning students must renew their Memorandum of
Accommodations (MOA) every semester; these students should
submit the request 24 hours or later after enrolling in at
least one class. Allow up to 7 business days for the request
to be approved.
Accommodations are
provided for in-person, online, and remote/synchronous (Zoom)
learning. To get started, review NOVA’s Accommodation and Accessibility Services
website. Following a meeting with a counselor, you will be
issued a Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA). You must provide
your MOA to your professors, testing proctor, and/or tutoring
center in order to receive your accommodations. You may
provide your MOA any time during the semester; however,
accommodations are not retroactive. You may email your MOA to
your professors or provide them with a printed copy. They will
send you an email to acknowledge receipt. You and your
professors should schedule a meeting outside of class to
discuss questions regarding your MOA. Please remind your
professors of any special arrangements that must be made in
advance of tests and assessments. If you need a sign language
interpreter, or if you need live captions for your Zoom class,
send an email to
The College is committed
to providing career services to all students as part of the
comprehensive educational journey. Career Services
assists students with exploring, developing and setting goals
related to each student’s unique educational and academic
needs. These services include career assessments, occupational
information, goal setting, planning and employment resources.
You can request an appointment with a career
announces campus and college closings on the NOVA
homepage. You can also receive notification by cell
phone or email if you register for NOVA
Also review NOVA’s guidance on emergency closings, delayed
openings, and continuation of instruction. If a
course is canceled due to a weather event or other
unforeseen situation, check the course Canvas site or
NOVA email ( as soon as possible for
instructions and assignments to avoid falling behind
in coursework. You are expected to be up to date with
all assignments the next time the class meets. Communication
Virginia Community College (NVCC) faculty, staff, and
administrators communicate with students through their
official NVCC email accounts (
Students are likewise required to use their VCCS email
accounts ( to communicate
with instructors and other college personnel. Students
should check their email accounts
regularly. Course
note these important deadlines related to your enrollment in a
course: ●
may drop courses through NOVAConnect until the last
day to drop with a tuition refund (census date).
Students who drop a class during this period will
receive a full refund. ●
to change your grade status
to audit must also be completed before the
last day to drop with a tuition refund (census date).
who do not attend at least one class meeting or
participate in an online learning class by the last
day to drop with a tuition refund (census date) may be
administratively withdrawn from the class. This means
that there will be no record of the class or any
letter grade on the student’s transcript. The
student’s tuition will not be refunded. ●
Last Day
to Withdraw is
the last day to withdraw from classes without a grade penalty. Students will receive
a grade of W. Students
may withdraw from a course through NOVAConnect. The
student’s tuition will not be refunded. Withdrawing
from a course after the census date and before the
withdrawal date will result in a “W” grade appearing
on your transcript. To
identify these
important dates for your
courses, please visit the College
Academic Calendar
scroll down to the specific session for your course. Please note that any drops or withdrawals
from a course may impact financial aid, international student status, or military benefits.
Students with questions should check with the
appropriate offices. Enrollment
Stability and Advocacy Centers
The Financial Stability and
Advocacy Centers provide assistance to
students who are experiencing financial hardships that
might prevent the students’ academic success. The
personnel at the Financial Stability and Advocacy
Centers work with students to identify college or
available. For more information, please visit the Financial Stability and
Advocacy Centers
webpage, or contact the office by calling 703.323.3450
or emailing Forms
to Request Services and Assistance
NOVA's Forms Library is where
you can access forms frequently used by the College.
The forms are available in Portable Document Format
(.pdf), Online or Excel. Some of the forms you will
find online include: Accommodations
and Accessibility Services: Request for Alternate
Course Repeat Request
Enrollment with Permission
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form
Vehicle Registration Form
Enrollment Request Form (VERF)
You also
have the option to Make a
Report to the
college. Here is the list of reports you can submit: ·
an academic violation. ·
Report a
student conduct violation (non-academy integrity). ·
Sexual Misconduct (Title IX). ·
Report a
student needed assistance (non-conduct). ·
Title IX
Pregnant and Parenting Accommodation Request. ·
Assistance Request. Important
provides information about important dates and
deadlines each semester. Visit this calendar to learn
about ·
dates. ·
dates. ·
dates. ·
pay tuition fees. ·
Last day of classes ·
drop the class with a tuition refund or change classes
to audit. ·
withdraw without grade penalty (W) and no refund. ·
Schedule. ·
holidays. ·
disbursement dates. · Deadline to apply for graduation.
2025 Important Dates
2025 Breaks & Holidays
* To find
the last day to drop with tuition refund (census date)
for a variable duration (dynamic) course, go to schedule
of class,
search for the course, then click on the class number. **
Withdrawals after this date require documentation of
mitigating circumstances and permission of the
instructor and the academic dean. Please check
NOVAConnect for start dates and census dates for
variable duration (dynamic) sessions. Libraries
NOVA Libraries support
the mission of the College to deliver in-person and
online postsecondary teaching, learning, and workforce
development to students, faculty, staff and community
members. The libraries promote equity and inclusion by
addressing systemic barriers to student success and
fostering intellectual curiosity, creativity and
critical thinking. At our libraries, you may borrow
books/printed material, access article databases,
access videos, connect to Wi-Fi, use the printers, and
reserve a study room.
All Access
this Fall (2024), the College has moved to a new
student-centric course material delivery model in
collaboration with Barnes & Noble. The program is
called NOVA All Access (formerly Barnes & Noble
College First Day® Complete). NOVA All
Access will reduce the cost of course materials and
ensure students have all their materials across all
courses prior to the first day of class. Instead of
purchasing materials a la carte, students get access
to all required course textbooks and
digital materials for a flat fee per credit
($22.50/credit). They choose the delivery method that
works for them (either pickup at the campus bookstore or
direct shipment to their home) and receive all digital
and electronic materials directly through Canvas. If the
cost for course materials is
to be less outside of NOVA All Access, students have
the choice to opt out of the program each semester. More
information is available on the NOVA Website ( If your
course uses OER materials (for “open educational
resources”) or is “no materials required,” instructor
will let you know the best way to get your course
materials. You may not be required to
purchase textbooks and other materials for this
course. We are making this information available so
you can make an informed choice about participating in
NOVA’s new course materials program, NOVA All
Access. For more information on NOVA
All Access, please visit the website – If
your instructor indicates you are not required to
purchase materials and you are taking only courses
with no materials required, then you should opt-out of
the NOVA All Access program. Office of
Wellness and Mental Health
During your time at NOVA, you may
experience challenges including struggles with
academics or your personal well-being. NOVA has
support resources available. Please contact the Office of Wellness
and Mental Health if you are seeking resources
and support, or if you are worried about a friend or
classmate. Prerequisite
As noted in the Course Prerequisites Policy, some courses have prerequisite or
corequisite requirements that are established to
foster a student’s success in the course. Students may
not enroll in a course for which they do not meet the
prerequisites by the time the course begins or for
which they do not simultaneously enroll in any
corequisite. Students may be administratively dropped
from any course for which they have not met the
prerequisite. If a course has a prerequisite, it is
the responsibility of the student to ensure completion
of this pre-requisite course first. Any student
needing assistance in determining prerequisite or
corequisite requirements can reach out to their
faculty member or Campus Academic Division office for
support. Remote
Student Support Services
If you need
academic assistance or need college services but
cannot make it to campus, many of our services can be
accessed remotely. We can provide assistance from
several departments, including the following: ·
Canvas and Course Resources (guides
and tutorials) Student
and Responsibilities
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR)
promotes and encourages honesty, integrity, and respect
among NOVA students and staff. We accomplish our mission
through education, compliance through behavioral
standards, and support of individual rights. Our work
helps enhance the quality of the NOVA community and
equips students with the knowledge, skills,
resources to be successful inside and outside of the
classroom. The
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR)
comprise the following areas: Student
Integrity and Conduct
violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Ombuds Services (SOS)
students who believe an unfair resolution was made for
a formal complaint made to NVCC (i.e., academic
concerns, ethical behavior, violation of College
policies and/or procedures, business services,
financial aid, etc.), SOS will investigate the
student’s concern.
Contact: Dr.
Tanneh Kamara TITLE IX
Title IX is a
civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex in educational programs, activities,
admission, and employment. Complaints of sex-based
discrimination, sexual violence, domestic violence,
dating violence, and sexual or gender-based harassment
are governed by the Title IX Policy. For more
information or to make a report, visit the Office of Title IX. Tutoring
NOVA’s Tutoring Centers offer free in-person and virtual tutoring to all NOVA Nighthawks. Students can drop by any one of campus Tutoring Centers for walk-in services or set up an appointment for tutoring. To request an appointment for one-on-one tutoring, either in-person or via Zoom, log in to myNOVA to select EAB Navigate. For more information and for Tutoring Center locations, visit the NOVA Tutoring Services page. In addition, is an online tutoring service that Northern Virginia Community College offers that is free to all students. provides tutoring in a variety of subjects, many of which are available 24/7. To access, click on the 24/7 Online Tutoring link located in your course on the navigation menu.
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Page revised 01/17/25 |
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